Månad: december 2020

How to change and replace limiting beliefs

”We don’t grow when things are easy. We grow when we face challenges.” Limiting beliefs can be very sneaky, and so powerful that no matter how hard we try to control our thoughts and emotions they keep preventing us from attracting what we want in life. But what are the most common limiting beliefs stopping us from reaching our fullest potential? And what can we do in order to change and replace them for good?  A limiting belief is a belief that stops us from doing something or changing; almost like an invisible barrier that prevents us from what we truly want. It’s something that we say to ourselves and that blocks us from moving forward or achieving our goals. The nasty voice in your head that says; I can’t do it. Limiting beliefs are generally based on past experiences, our childhood, the way we were raised, our culture etcetera. They are deeply rooted within us, usually on a subconscious level, and therefore, we might not be fully aware of what they are, and the negative effect they …

Dear January…

… be brave enough to speak your truth. ”If you want to know love you must lose your fear of life.” January is for awakening to the authenticity within the soul. While nature’s half asleep – breathe, darling, breathe. Move, one precious step at a time. Trust yourself, never neglect your true worth. Your true light. Strive for progression, growth and compassion. There’s always something to be grateful for. Life. Dear human, be grateful for life.  January is for taking that delicate, crucial first step. A beautiful opportunity to begin anew arises, sunrise after sunrise. Breath after breath. Souls awakening from the darkest of night. From the deep, deep slumber we all return to light. Guided by the strength within, shining bright. Brave being, believe in your Self. Now. Appreciate the journey, for it molds you into the human you are. Now. Into the human you are becoming. Now. The human you’ve always been. Now. This January, all about understanding one’s uniqueness. Knowing that it’s ok to be scared, to not have all the answers. Be ambitious …

Growth is uncomfortable

”Energy flows where your attention goes.” Two weeks ago I decided that I was going to write a blog post every day until Christmas. A decision based on me feeling a bit unmotivated, and I thought that what better way than to pressure myself to take som damn action. And I must say that there’s truth in the statement action breeds motivation. With that being said. Let’s talk about 2020. What’s the best thing that has happened for you this year? Although this year has been filled with adversity, and we all have had our struggles, I still would like you to reflect on something good that has happened for you. Take some time, and reflect on some things that have made you stronger, more resilient. And of course you don’t have to share it with me. But if you want, then you’re more than welcome ❤ ”You give life to what you focus on.” Personally, I was forced out of my comfort zone (like many others out there). And that can actually be a …


”Fragile you are, little seed. Planted in the depths of thick, dark, nourishing soil. Resilient you are, blooming flower. Early spring.” While being perfect is rather boring, we should instead strive to be a bit more willing to be the best version of ourselves. A version that will change from day to day, from hour to hour even. Some days we learn, some days we win. However, we don’t stop when the mountain gets too high or the sea too rough. Rather, we adjust. We may scream a little (or a lot), we may laugh at our foolishness. But we continue, we adapt. And that’s how we evolve. In my last post ”10 habits to change your life” I wrote about small habits that will make your days more enjoyable, productive and mindful. However, I realised I forgot to mention one of my favorites – journaling. Needless to say, there’s an endless list of habits which to incorporate in order to produce a bit more substance to your day. Ask yourself; What can I do to …

10 habits to change your life

‘Consistency is more important than perfection.’ Below you’ll find a list of small habits that will make your days more enjoyable, productive and mindful. Keep in mind that it takes approximately 21 days to form a new habit, therefore be consistent. Performing habits like these might not seem like a big deal, but it’s usually the smallest of habits and routines that, at the end of the day, will have an huge impact on our everyday life. ”The future is created in the present moment. Don’t resist the seasons changing, instead, learn to flow with the breath of life.” Wake up one hour earlier. If you’re not already waking up super early try to set your alarm one hour earlier than usual. Dedicate this extra time to yourself; really take the time to enjoy your coffee, read a chapter in your favorite book, practice yoga, or go outside for a morning walk. Getting ready for the day ahead in a calm and relaxed manner is a crucial step towards a more productive day. At least …

The courage to change

”She travels through phases to rise in full bloom.” – and so does the Moon As humans we often find ourselves struggling as soon as we encounter change of some sort. Nonetheless, change is inevitable for us to transform and evolve. It’s unavoidable, in order for us to become the humans we are meant to become. I’ve not always seen eye to eye with change. As a matter of fact I’ve always been afraid of change. Deeply afraid of change. In the past change usually made me feel uncomfortable, like I had no control over my life. No control over my Self. However small or big, it always made me feel uneasy. I wanted to feel safe, and at ease, despite the fact that the situation I was finding myself in was nothing but detrimental for my evolution as a human being. Nevertheless, as time passes by I’ve become to appreciate the uncertainty of life, and I’ve become to appreciate change. There’s beauty in wanting to change, in wanting to transform. There’s beauty in uncertainty. …

Dear Friday…

… love me in such a way that makes me feel, free. ”We can never run out of love; it’s in the air we’re breathing.” Each and every one of us walking on this planet are worthy of a beautiful life. A life filled with joy, excitement, happiness and love. A life filled with abundance. Having said that, each and every one of us are responsible for our own happiness, to some extent.  However, for some of us it will definitely be a lot more challenging; it’s like the universe demands more from some people than others. Yet, I believe the universe won’t give you anything which you can’t handle. If you’re constantly going through difficult situations; please, take a step back, and pause for a while. What is this trying to teach me? How will this make me grow? In the end, it’s all about our mindset, and how we choose to look at the things happening for us. And yet I agree, at times it can be very difficult to try to find the …


”In this moment I am exactly who, and where, I need to be.” There is no way we humans can control what is happening around us. We may think that we have control, or we may have thought that we had control (and now; all is lost). However, thinking that we have control is nothing but an illusion. Control can be seen as something that our minds have made up, in order to create a sense of security and safety. Earlier this year I listened to a Ted Talk podcast with Elisabeth Gilbert. She said something that I’ve been thinking about lately, something I remind myself of whenever I start to feel anxious and worried. Hopefully it can help you in this moment, in case you feel out of control or fearful. Whenever you tell yourself ”I’m losing control” or ”I have no control over the situation I’m in”  – Know that the sense that you had control was a myth to begin with… Recognise that you never had control, all you had was anxiety, and that’s what you’re …

Mindfulness & Resilience

”Resilience is not about overcoming, but becoming.” – Sherri Mandel Resilience (noun) re-sil–ience ”… the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress – such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems or workplace or financial stressors.” – American Psychological Association The past year has definitely been a year filled with adversity, threats and significant sources of stress. For many of us our sense of control swiftly disappeared, and we found ourselves solely relying on our inner strength. Taking it day by day. And some days, hour by hour. In a Ted Talk, Shauna Shapiro talks about mindfulness as one of the most effective vehicles for how to help people transform. ”What you practice grows stronger”, says Shapiro. According to research we can sculpt and strengthen our synaptic connections based on repeated practice. However, paying attention in the present moment is not enough, says Shapiro – it is how we pay attention. She talks about paying attention with kindness. The beneficial effects of kind attention are that it decreases …

Embrace humility

”The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” – Socrates Part of being humble means realizing that you don’t have all the answers. Humble people are curious and eager to learn more, in order to become better versions of themselves. Furthermore, they’re self-reliant and competent in themselves, and therefore seek to self-actualize by helping others. I read somewhere that being humble is not to think less of oneself, but to think of oneself less. Consequently, humility is not about being too passive and insecure, rather it’s about being confident in one’s own skin, knowing we’re all different, yet at the same time, somehow quite the same. ”Be humble enough to know that you’re not better than anyone else, but wise enough to know you’re different.” Below you’ll find some of the most common traits that might help you become a little more humble ❤ Be curious. Humble people usually have an inquiring mind, meaning they know there’s always something to learn, there’s always new insight and knowledge to gain. Learning is an ongoing …