Månad: december 2019

What 2019 taught me

”Embrace the unknown, for that is what will help you grow.”   With 2020 just around the corner it’s the most perfect time to put an afternoon aside, to brew yourself a big warm mug of coffee, and reflect over the past year, and the most important lessons you’ve learned.  I’m a firm believer in writing my intentions, goals and dreams down, preferably on a piece of paper. I guess I am more of a dreamer/planner than a doer. However, my intentions for 2019 was all about taking action and believing in myself and my abilities. Setting intentions not only makes it easier to stay focused, but it helps to keep the motivation up, as well as staying more grounded and closer to one’s core self. And while I strongly recommend all of you to start writing down your intentions, I also think it’s of great advantage to reflect over the past year, and therefore gain better clarity of the things you’ve learned thus far. As I was reading through my intentions for 2019 I noticed …

How to become the best version of yourself

I went through some old blog posts from 2019, and found this one – one which the readers clicked on the most. ”Be the sort of person you would admire.” You are a different person to different people. Annoying to some. Talented to another. Kind to a few. Unknown to a lot. But who are you, to you? What does the best version of yourself look like? Being the best version of yourself needs to start with you, it needs to come from within. Other people will always have expectations from you, however, only you decide who you truly are.  1. Take your power back   To change your life, you have to change yourself. To change yourself, you have to change your mindset. It all begins and ends in your mind. What you give power to, has power over you – if you allow it. Trust that you have what it takes, the power is found within you. You won’t become powerful through another person, getting a promotion or having excess money in your …

Self-care December

”We can never run out of love. It’s in the air we are breathing.” For most of us Christmas is a time of fellowship, joy and happiness. It’s a time when family get-togethers are more frequent, gifts and laughter are shared among loved ones, and eating a bit too much is part of the festivity. However, for a growing number of people the situation is completely different.  ”It’s Christmas time, there’s no need to be afraid. At Christmas time we let in light and we banish shade.” – Do they know it’s Christmas, Band Aid -84 The number of people, who live in poverty, suffer from addiction or loneliness, are increasing world-wide. A problem we simply cannot ignore, since its transparency in our society is getting more and more evident. The question remains – what can we do about it? How should, and can we address these problems? The answers might vary, of course, but I believe that each and every one of us have a responsibility – and that first tiny step you need …

Surrendering into the arms of the wild

”The courage of letting go. Surrendering into the arms of the wild.” As Eckhart Tolle so neatly puts it: ”Sometimes surrender means giving up from trying to understand, and becoming comfortable with not knowing.” Life is about finding the balance between what you can control, and what you cannot. Sometimes surrendering is the breakthrough you need. Let me tell you about a dream I had a couple of nights ago.  ♦I had this cute white labrador puppy, but wasn’t he a pain in the butt. It was a complete struggle every time I had to take him out for a walk. It was like he did anything to get out from that leash; he didn’t appreciate to be told what to do, and neither did he wish to be controlled. Every walk was a fight to win. And eventually the leash broke. The thing with which I tried to control my puppy ultimately fell apart.♦ I’m usually not one of those that decipher my dreams, but I felt this one had something to teach me. …