Månad: januari 2024

A child-like wonder

At times it’s easy to lose touch with the simple pleasures of life. However, don’t let the stresses of grown-up life overshadow the child-like wonder that resides within you. Nurturing your curiosity and awe can bring immense joy and positivity into your life. Children possess an innate ability to find wonder in the smallest of things—the beauty of a butterfly, the sound of raindrops, or the taste of a favourite treat. As we grow older, such moments of enchantment can become scarce, but know, they are not lost forever. By consciously cultivating a child-like wonder, you can rekindle the joy that comes from experiencing the world with fresh eyes. One way to tap into your inner child-like wonder is to slow down and allow yourself to be present in the moment. Children are experts at immersing themselves fully in whatever they are doing, whether it’s playing with toys, exploring nature, or engaging in some kind of imaginative play. As adults, we can learn from this by setting aside time to engage in activities that spark …

A Guide to Romanticizing Everyday Moments

It’s easy to overlook the beauty in the ordinary. We often find ourselves longing for grand adventures and extraordinary moments, forgetting all about the magic hidden in the simplicity of our daily lives. The art of romanticizing the ordinary allows us to discover the extraordinary in the mundane, transforming the smallest moments into cherished experiences. To romanticize the ordinary, start by being fully present in the moment. Put away distractions, take a deep breath, and immerse yourself in the sensations around you. Whether you’re sipping your morning coffee, walking in the park, buying flowers, or cooking a simple meal, savour these experiences with mindful awareness. You can always choose to be a little bit more here, and a little less there.. Train yourself to notice the details that surround you. Appreciate the morning sunlight through the curtains, or the soothing sound of raindrops on your window. By paying attention to these details, you’ll notice the poetry hidden in the ordinary. Introduce rituals into your daily routine to make the ordinary into something special. It could …

A simple guide on how to change your mindset

”Our minds are like gardens – what we plant, we grow.” Our minds are powerful tools that not only shape our perceptions, but our behaviours, and ultimately, our reality. The way we choose to approach challenges, setbacks, and successes is deeply influenced by our mindset. Luckily, thanks to neuroplasticity our human mind is adaptable, and with conscious and consistent effort, we can change our mindset to foster a more positive and growth-oriented outlook on life. Self-awareness is key It all starts with self-awareness. In order to start changing your mindset, you need to become aware of your current beliefs and attitudes. Identify any negative thought patterns that may be holding you back from moving forward in life. Understanding your mindset is crucial for initiating change. Challenge negative thoughts Once you’ve identified the negative thought patterns keeping you stuck; challenge them. Ask yourself whether these thoughts are based on facts or assumptions. Are they helping you grow, or are they limiting your potential? Replace negative thoughts with positive and constructive perspectives. Cultivate a growth mindset Psychologist …

Dear February…

… let’s be brave enough to speak up about the things important to us. ”It’s in the things that deeply inspires us that we find ourselves.” During the darkest of hours, a frost-kissed morning, my first screaming breath, with you. Cupid’s arrows, in the air they flew, as everyone below a starlit sky knew. Valentine’s whispers, sweet, dark and true, in February, love is set anew. Snowflakes fell, like delicate lace, covering our world in a soft embrace. Yet hints of spring began to appear, a promise of warmth, curiously near. Amidst the cold, a comfort profound, February’s wisdom, all around. February is for evolving, getting one year richer. One year wiser. Staying curious, and open-minded. Finding joy and laughter, everything we sought after. It’s about speaking up, being true to our own unique voices. It’s time to stop being afraid of getting older – it’s time to show our deepest appreciation instead. Becoming curious enough to want to know more about ourselves, and the ways in which we can expand. There’s much to discover …

How to embrace slow living in your everyday life

”A quiet mind is able to hear intuition over fear.” The present moment – the only moment there is for us to be alive. Humans are very good at preparing to live, but not very good a living. Habitually dwelling in the past and dreaming of the future, while having difficulties concentrating the mind on the present moment. The concept of slow living has never been more relevant. As we navigate the fast-paced currents of 2024, the slow living movement urges us to pause, breathe, and savour the simple joys of life. Slow living is about creating time, space and energy for the things that matter most to us in life. It’s about taking the time to do things properly, and thereby enjoy them more. Allowing ourselves to be fully present. I think it was Socrates who said: ”The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.” There are of course many mindsets one can incorporate in order to embrace a slower kind of …

The Power of Finding Your ”Why”

It’s easy to get caught up in the ”what” and ”how” of our actions. We set goals, make plans, and follow routines without always pausing to consider the most vital aspect: our ”why.” Why do you do what you do? What is the driving force behind your actions and decisions? Finding your ”why” is like discovering the compass that guides you through the journey of life. It’s your innermost motivation, the purpose that moves you forward in challenging times and keeps you grounded during successful moments. A clear purpose Understanding your ”why” provides clarity in your purpose. It gives you a deeper insight into your passions, values, and beliefs, helping you align your actions with your innermost self. When you know why you do what you do, every decision becomes intentional, and every step takes you closer to a more meaningful and fulfilling life. Motivation during Challenges Life is filled with setbacks and road bumps. And it’s during these challenging times that knowing your ”why” becomes a powerful source of motivation. Whether you’re facing a …

How to Master the Art of Manifestation

What you send out into the universe – through your thoughts, feelings, words, actions – you attract into your life. Cultivating an abundant and positive mindset, visualization and intention-setting, are all great ways in order to start creating the life you want. It’s about shifting your focus, shifting your perspectives. It’s about being able to turn a negative day into a great day, simply because you choose to. Simply because you can. Nevertheless, it’s not enough to simply think, write or speak about the things you want in life, however, it’s a vital start. What is more, you have to believe, in order to receive. If you don’t believe in yourself and all that you’re capable of, nothing much will grow out of it. What is more, you’ll have to begin to take inspired action. You actually need to take that tiny frightening first step, not knowing where it will take you. Yes, manifestation is more than just wishful thinking; it involves aligning your thoughts, feelings, and actions with your goals to bring about positive change. …

Trusting Your Intuition: A Guide to Unlocking Inner Wisdom

Have you ever had a gut feeling that turned out to be spot-on? That’s your intuition at work, and learning to trust it can be a powerful tool for decision-making and navigating life’s uncertainties. Below you’ll find some tips to help you connect with and rely on your inner wisdom. 1. Cultivate Self-Awareness: Take the time to understand yourself better. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, as well as reactions in different situations. Self-awareness is the first step in recognizing when your intuition is trying to communicate with you. 2. Embrace Silence and Stillness: Don’t let the external noise drown out your inner voice. Practice mindfulness and meditation to create moments of silence in your day-to-day life. This allows your intuition to rise to the surface without any interference and distractions. 3. Reflect on Past Experiences: Think about circumstances when you followed your intuition and it led you to positive outcomes. Recall those moments when your gut feeling was right. When reflecting on past experiences it helps build confidence in your intuitive abilities. 4. …

The flow of life

”Destruction breeds creation.” Life is a series of natural, and spontaneous changes. To obtain peace and happiness, it’s vital that we become comfortable with everything that’s unfolding; circumstances taking place, feelings and emotions running through our bodies, as well as people dancing in and out of our lives. Change is the nature of life. It’s the nature of your being. The only rational thing for us to do is to embrace every aspect of life – the good and the bad, the highs and the lows, the love and the fear – whatever life may present us with; shouldn’t we just dive right in, and at least try our best in line with the moment we’re in. But what if, there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so, as William Shakespeare so neatly put it. According to the Vedas (the primary texts of Hinduism) there is no such thing as good or bad, right or wrong. There are only creation -> maintenance -> destruction. Then back to creation. Flowing like a beautiful …

A Guide to Setting Monthly Intentions

In our hectic day-to-day life where the hours, days, and weeks often blur together, setting monthly intentions can serve as a compass, guiding us toward our desired destination. Intentions act as a roadmap for personal growth, providing clarity and purpose to your actions. I’m a firm believer in writing my intentions down, preferably on a piece of paper. When it comes to intentions, you can choose to write daily, weekly, monthly and/or yearly intentions. I prefer to write my intentions in the beginning of every month, as well as set one daily intention that helps guiding me throughout the day. For many years now I’ve been writing almost daily in my journal. Usually I write down my feelings and emotions or set a daily intention. However, lately I’ve become aware of my tendency to simply put words on a piece of paper without any deeper thought behind them. I find myself writing sentences without taking the time to reflect what they mean to me. This I want to change. Instead of aimlessly writing things down …