Månad: april 2021


”When you think you’ve surrendered, surrender even more.” I take a step back and let the universe show me the way. I trust that the guidance I need will come to me. Or as Eckhart Tolle so neatly puts it: ”Sometimes surrender means giving up from trying to understand, and becoming comfortable with not knowing.” Life is about finding the balance between what we can control, and what we cannot. Sometimes surrendering is the breakthrough we need. During my morning yoga the teacher I was following said something that had me remember something deeply important. I was in this slightly uncomforable frog positon (uncomfortable at least to me). The teacher said that whenever we’re in a position that feels difficult and challenging it’s very common to hold our breaths and try to combat the struggle, and therefore resist the growth that comes along. The thing we instead should strive towards in that moment is to take even deeper breaths, and allow our bodies to let go. Whether you’re in an uncomfortable yoga position or going through …

Discomfort is an opportunity to grow

”You’re being presented with two choices; evolve or repeat.” In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety. Each time we’re faced with a challenge it’s very easy to become caught up in thoughts about everything that could go wrong, instead of being excited about everything that could go right. This mindset is to a certain extent completely natural, and our bodies and minds way of keeping us from danger, hence keeping us from stepping into the unknown. To fully embrace oneself, and to accept oneself exactly as one is, is a lifelong journey in and of itself. To some of us it might come naturally, without us even thinking about it. However, to others it takes a deeper kind of practice – something that needs to be nurtured daily. It’s difficult to not become caught up in the demands of the outside world; constantly comparing ourselves to others, or simply never being satisfied with who we are. As a highly sensitive empath I fell …


”Creativity is magic, and magic only happens if you’re free to release it.” I am ”I just want to sit in front of the ocean for a little while” kind of person. Whenever I need to find stillness I go to the ocean. The sense of aliveness, as well as the sound of waves crashing against the shoreline, always bring peace to my soul. For the most part of my life I’ve lived close to the sea; I grew up on the coast, in a small town in Finland, and I’ve always seen myself living close to the water, also in the future. Wherever I move there needs to be water. Water is life. ”A quiet mind is able to hear intuition over fear.” The last two years I’ve been posting a letter on my blog in the beginning of each and every month. Dear January, Dear April, Dear October… This quickly became my favorite way of writing. I allowed myself to become still, and to let the words flow to me, not forcing, simply …