Månad: mars 2018


”Oh baby, don’t you know. You’re a goddess. Don’t let them treat you like a doormat.”   Darling friend, feed yourself daily. Fill your plate with plenty of love, kindness and respect. Don’t depend on others to do so. Don’t ever lose your dignity and self-respect trying to make people love and appreciate you, when they just aren’t capable.   ”The more you love yourself, the less nonsense you’ll tolerate.”   It’s easy to lose sight of oneself every once in a while. You lose yourself when you listen too closely to what everybody else has to say. You might even lose yourself in your work, in your relationship or maybe you went to school for something practical rather than following your passion. Or maybe you just wanted to ”fit in”. Whatever the reason, now is the time to bring out the human you once tucked away. Finding yourself is about removing all the layers of ”what’s expected” and what’s acceptable”. It’s about stepping fully and completely into your true Self, living your purpose and …

”At least we are breathing the same air – you & I”

”We write down made-up stories to tell the truths we wish we could say out loud.”   5 AM. ‘A good night’s sleep? Merely a memory,’ the young boy thought while trying to scratch his upper back. His left hand reached out to the other side of the bed, searching for something that wasn’t there. He grabbed the pillow, pulled it close to his chest, forced himself to awaken old memories, old scents. Regardless of how hard he tried he could not forget that scent. There were people who got caught up in old memories while listening to music. It was the smell, that haunted him. He dragged himself out of bed to open the balcony door. His feet touched the raw, biting surface. He was paralyzed, and in some miraculous way his broken heart still found a way to beat. The thunderstorm had kept him up all night. He had never gotten over them, traumatised since early childhood. And the rashes, those damn rashes. He had never gotten rid of them either. ‘Will I ever …

Monday Mood & Workout

”You don’t get what you wish for. You get what you work for.”   Woke up with the sun. I sense it’s spring in the air. It’s the lighter days, I know it is. I adore them. Everything becomes lighter, not only the days, but the mood. Dear spring, we’ve been waiting for you. When you show up every flower starts blooming. Animals waking up from their winter sleep. We bloom. Even with fragile hearts.  I felt very energetic this beautiful Monday morning. A quick morning stretch, food blogging, writing and a well deserved workout. I think I’m ready for some studying (yawn)… I really would rather clean. Every time I know I should do something, I start cleaning. Cleaning is always a good idea. But even I know I don’t need to clean 7 days a week. And you know what!? I booked skydiving 😀 Or I asked the company when it would be a suitable day in May. One step closer to facing my fear of heights though… To escape fear you have to …

Happiness comes from setting goals?

”The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.”   A couple of days ago I read an interesting article in the Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat – ”Onni tulee tavoitteista.” (Roughly translated; Happiness comes from goals.) The article is an interview with 40 year old Satu Pihlaja, a Finnish psychotherapist. At the moment she is working on a dissertation, while studying two other degrees and operating a privat clinic as a psychotherapist. In her spare time she practices yoga, sings in a rock band and spends time with her friends. (How many hours does she have during a day?!) Setting and accomplishing goals is, however, possible for every single one of us. It can be regarded as a characteristic that can be taught.  Satu Pihlaja does not regard herself as a ”doer”. During her teenage years she started to ask herself why she didn’t have any goals. She realized how dissatisfying it was to start studying the night before an exam. It was when she applied for the university that she understood that she won’t …

Scripting & Visualizing

”You are the creator of your reality.”   Scripting, or journaling, is a powerful tool in order to create the life that you want. It’s a way of visualizing your future and how you wish it to unfold; in other words you get to design your entire life. You are limitless. Everything will work out for you; you just have to find the trust within yourself. Trust. Yourself.   ”We chase likes instead of dreams. We surf the web instead of the world. We build profiles instead of connections. We let computers fill our hearts, and then we wonder why we feel so empty.” – Mark Groves   Whether you choose to use scripting every day, once a week, once a month or once a year, remember it can be a powerful tool in order to create your desired destiny. Write everything in detail, the way you wish your life to be. Write everything as if, in the present tense, the way that you desire it. The key ingredient when writing your script is emotion. …

Mindset is everything

”Chaos is only understood when it’s loved by the wild, not the weak.”   I believe in me, and you should too; believe in yourself. Do not become small for people who refuse to grow. The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become. Remember that no one is coming to save you. This life is 100 % your responsibility. Brave human, never settle again.    ”The hardest step she ever took was to blindly trust in who she was. – Atticus Believing in yourself is the first secret of success. Your mind will always believe everything you tell it. Feed it with love. Feed it with truth. It’s never too late to start living the life you always dreamt of. One day you just have to decide to jump, not knowing where you will land. Having the courage, although life is uncertain, will take you to places you never thought of exploring. Dear human, be brave, have faith. Life will reward you if you decide to never give up. I …

Mindfulness practises for setting & achieving goals

”How amusing isn’t it that we all pretend to be normal when we can be wildly different and fascinating?”     March intentions Where do I want to be one year from now? What can I do this month that will bring me one step closer to where I want to be? Setting monthly intentions is a great way in order to achieve the desired goals you have in life. Dreaming is always good, but taking action is even better. Mindfulness practises for setting & achieving goals   Writing. The more specific you are about your goals the better. Write them down, try to be as clear and precise as possible. I strongly believe that putting words, goals – the desired future – on paper will take you one step closer to achieving your dreams. I started writing things down last fall, and reading it now makes me realise some of the things already happened. Let go of the how. After writing down your goals I think it’s crucial that you stop obsessing over how everything will happen. …

Trust life

”Watch carefully, the magic that occurs, when you give a person just enough comfort to be themselves.” – Atticus   Trust the magic of new beginnings.   So, I close my eyes to old ends, and open my heart to new beginnings. Today is a new day. A fresh start. New opportunities. For the first time in a very, very long time I feel at peace. I’ve been going through a lot the past year; an emotional pain slowly creeping up on me, so unnoticeable, that I wasn’t even aware of it.  Remember that it’s never too late for a new beginning in your life. Something I’ve learned the past year is to trust my intuition. Your intuition guides you. It always has your best interest at heart. It’s a powerful tool you should learn to listen to. By becoming more aware, both through mediation and mindful thinking, I’ve notice how my intuition has grown more intense. I now know I can trust my gut feeling. ”New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.” – …