Månad: september 2023

10 habits to improve your life

”Consistency is more important than perfection.” Below you’ll find a list of small habits that will make your days more enjoyable, productive and mindful. Keep in mind that it takes approximately 21 days to form a new habit, therefore be consistent. Performing habits like these might not seem like a big deal, but it’s usually the smallest of habits and routines that, at the end of the day, will have an huge impact on our everyday life. ”The future is created in the present moment. Don’t resist the seasons changing, instead, learn to flow with the breath of life.”

All things self-worth

”Know your worth. Don’t ask for it – state it.” In the end, it all comes down to self-worth. If you don’t believe that you’re worthy of neither success, love, abundance, compassion nor enjoying beautiful experiences it will be very difficult for you to attract any of these things into your life. ”Because of the continuous negative programing that we face in society, we focus on the bad and unpleasant things and project this negativity onto ourselves so often without even realizing it……… There is never a day that you are not worthy. Self-worth is not determined by anything; you don’t have to do anything to be worth it. You just are. (Mutiwasekwa, 2019) To start with – Never, ever apologise for being your most authentic self. When I was younger (and sometimes even today) certain kind of people often describe me as being sensitive. Like being sensitive would be something bad. Now I usually laugh if I get a comment like that. ”Yes, I’m a sensitive human being. And I embrace it, I embrace …

The Courage To Change

”She travels through phases to rise in full bloom.” – and so does the Moon As humans we often find ourselves struggling as soon as we encounter change of some sort. Nonetheless, change is inevitable for us to transform and evolve. It’s unavoidable, in order for us to become the humans we are meant to become. I’ve not always seen eye to eye with change. As a matter of fact I’ve always been afraid of change. Deeply afraid of change. In the past change usually made me feel uncomfortable, like I had no control over my life. No control over my Self. However small or big, it always made me feel uneasy. I wanted to feel safe, and at ease, despite the fact that the situation I was finding myself in was nothing but detrimental for my evolution as a human being. Nevertheless, as time passes by I’ve become to appreciate the uncertainty of life, and I’ve become to appreciate change. There’s beauty in wanting to change, in wanting to transform. There’s beauty in uncertainty. …

Dear October…

… there’s no June without you.  ”The silent hour of night,and my heart suddenly arise,caressing my awaken sight,while awaiting life, with blissful eyes.” Your days short, nights endless. Swimming in your darkness, facing our deepest fears. There’s no way escaping the twilight, but to invite it to dance. This October is all about harnessing the talents within. Cultivating curiosity, courage, confidence and creativity. Life is filled with opportunities. Trust. It’s about accepting and releasing emotions, negative thoughts. Reaching out to humans through loving kindness and warmhearted action. Striving for growth and progression. Connection and compassion. Speaking with integrity. Being impeccable with the words. There’s always a reason to choose happy. Keep it fresh and wild, darling soul child. In the beginning, even when your goals seem out of reach you’ll have to trust yourself. Trust that you have what it takes to get to where you want to be. In the end it’s only you who decide who you are, and what’s possible to achieve. Small steps, and every tiny victory, will take you further along the …

Three habits to embrace slow living

”Less mindless dwelling, more mindful attention.” Slow living is about creating time, space and energy for the things that matter most to us in life. It’s about taking the time to do things properly, and thereby enjoy them more. Allowing ourselves to be fully present. I think it was Socrates who said: ”The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.” There are of course many habits one can incorporate in order to embrace a slower kind of living. Here are just three of my favorites at the moment. I hope you’ll find enjoyment in them as well. Stop chasing, start appreciating Usually the more we want, or chase something, the more that thing keeps on moving further and further away from us. When we find ourselves being too attached to a certain outcome we’re blocking other things from flowing to us. If we operate from an ”I want” mindset it usually entails that we’re lacking something. For example, instead of chasing love – …

How to spark your creativity

”Be still and observe – the earth is dancing.” I am ”I just want to sit in front of the ocean for a little while” kind of person. Whenever I need to find stillness I go to the ocean. The sense of calmness, as well as the sound of crashing waves always bring peace to my soul. I’ve always lived close to the sea; I grew up on the coast, in a small town in Finland, and I’ve always seen myself living close to the water also in the future. Wherever I move there needs to be water. Water is life. ”A quiet mind is able to hear intuition over fear.” I’ve noticed that the quieter I become, the more alive I feel. My mind is one of those who like to constantly chitchat about this and that, and usually about weird, irrelevant topics. To be able to still the mind, and listen to what lies underneath is, however, my main purpose while seeking stillness. When the mind is turbulent it’s difficult to hear or …

Late night conversations with the moon

Wherever life plants you, Flourish with grace. Explore the unseen, Take chances. Be brave. It’s time to, Press play. ………. i see ocean in your eyes. i smell the flowers of your heart. every flaw, insecurity cracked open, bleeding. soft raindrops resting on your cheeks, a reflection of me, healing. ………. How come? ​ ​ ”Cause this one not afraid to trash the wall.” ​ ​ – late night conversations with the Moon ………. the stars told her to dance in the sunlight kiss in the rain breathe in the wild air ​ live like you’re not from there You say my breath Calms down When I’m next to thee, I say your eyes Speak loudly When they lay on me. Still your breath Pounds faster When you’re next to me, As my eyes tranquil When they lay on thee. ………. do you believe in we said she do you said he maybe said she ain’t gonna be easy said he who said it will said she worth it said he true said she not …

At least we’re breathing the same air – You and I

”We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.”-Anaïs Nin 5 AM. ‘A good night’s sleep? Merely a memory,’ the young boy thought while trying to scratch his upper back. His left hand reached out to the other side of the bed, searching for something that wasn’t there. He grabbed the pillow, pulled it close to his chest, forced himself to awaken old memories, old scents. Regardless of how hard he tried he could not forget that scent. There were people who got caught up in old memories while listening to music. It was the smell, that haunted him. He dragged himself out of bed to open the balcony door. His feet touched the raw, biting surface. He was paralyzed, and in some miraculous way his broken heart still found a way to beat. The thunderstorm had kept him up all night. He had never gotten over them, traumatised since early childhood. And the rashes, those damn rashes. He had never gotten rid of them either. ‘Will I ever get over this,’ he whispered to himself, staring …

How to set and achieve goals

”Hi there, dear dreamer. Time to take some action.” If there would be a picture in the dictionary of a dreamer I’m pretty sure there would be a picture of me. I’m the dreamiest of all dreamers. I dream day and night. Night and day. And while in my dreams I find myself dreaming. Yes I believe you get the point. And as I very much enjoy being a dreamer, there’s this part of me that now would love to take some damn action. What can I do this month that will bring me one step closer to where I want to be? Setting daily, weekly or monthly intentions is a great way in order to achieve the desired goals you have in life. Many people are afraid of setting both short and long term goals. Goal setting is avoided because one is afraid of failure, and scared to let oneself down if the goals aren’t achieved. Things not working out the way you planned is not failure. You learn from everything you go through …

The quest for external validation

”You don’t need someone else’s permission to live your own life.” How do one find the confidence to follow their heart, in a world where one were taught to always seek approval from others? ”See me!” ”Value me!” ”Listen to me!” But in a society where everyone seems to be so caught up in themselves, and simultaneously preoccupied with what everyone else is doing; how can we actually trust anyone but ourselves when it comes to important decisions as what to do with our lives? How can we expect anyone to listen to us if they haven’t even taken the time out of their day to listen to themselves? This constant need of having to seek approval is a never ending circus. Nevertheless, it’s very common for us humans to seek other people’s blessings before we feel we have the right to do something. We migt be doubting ourselves and our capabilities, and therefore seek to be validated by others. Confidence is not about being perfect – it’s not about having it all figured out, …