Månad: juli 2020

How to give yourself a mental makeover

”Be pure, bright, white, light” You can take your life in a new direction at any time. Every now and then it’s good to change things up, to keep things (thoughts) fresh, in order to stay motivated and inspired. It’s easy to become under-stimulated if you keep on doing the same things over and over again. In a sense it’s like driving on autopilot, where you just keep on moving forward, and still, you haven’t got the slightest idea what you’re doing, cause you’re not the one in control. Then it’s about time. Time to open up for fresh, new perspectives to enter.  If you’re looking for a mini life-makeover, then, first things first, you need to start from within. In other words, start with your mental state, since most often it’s the root to all problems. If you don’t change what’s going on inside your mind – with your thoughts, and the way you think about certain things – then it’s going to be very hard to find a new sense of happiness, contentment and …

A thing to get rid of

”Comparison is the thief of joy.” Have you ever compared yourself to a person that you don’t even know? If so, why? I’ve done it myself many times, without even questioning why I actually would waste my time doing such a dumb thing. It’s actually rather funny when you think about it. Let’s take an example. You’re scrolling through your Instagram feed, and all of a sudden you stumble upon a beautiful picture. Immediately you assume that the person, who you don’t even know, has a wonderful life and that they most probably have everything in life figured out. You look at the pictures and all you see is a person that is more successful than you; more abundant, more popular, more at peace. More perfect. More everything that you’re not. All this you have figured out after scrolling through someone’s feed for 30 seconds. Great job! However, 30 more seconds pass by, and hopefully your brain has gone back to a healthier state-of-being. We have no idea how other people are doing or feeling, …


”In silence you will find yourself.” mornings are for coffee and contemplation. truth be told the past four months have been mostly about becoming one with the stillness, one with the unknown. never have i spent this much time in my own company. i would lie if i said it hasn’t been tough at times – cause it has. however, it has been one of the greatest opportunities i’ve experienced thus far, simply cause it has forced me to go within. forced me to not run away from myself, from all the emotions – fear, pain and anxiety – that come with uncertainty. it’s a beautiful thing to be able to carry oneself through deep healing. still, an important aspect to bear in mind; we’re never alone, although we might be and feel lonely. there’s always an opportunity to reach out to a friend, family member, mentor or why not even a stranger if you feel the need to share your thoughts with someone. journal. create. or simply choose to just be, to sit with …