Månad: november 2019

Be less judgmental

”It all starts with you.” No one in this world is pure and perfect, not even Nature. If you avoid people for their shortcomings, you will most certainly be alone in this world. So try to judge less, and love more. Surround yourself with people who understand. People who lift you up. We rise by lifting others.  People who aren’t quick to judge – those gems, exactly my cup of tea. You can vent to them, and labeling you will be the last thing on their mind. They do not believe rumors because they know there are two sides to every story. They give you a chance before they judge you. They get to know who you really are, then form an opinion. However, people are usually rather judgmental, towards themselves, others and situations, without even thinking about it. If you know that you’re a pretty judgemental person, try to challenge yourself to change your mindset. Little by little, watch how being less judgmental will create a more positive outcome; within both your inner and outer world. You will …

Invest in rest

”Your job is to find peace amidst of it all.” End of fall, beginning of winter, is a tremendous season to unwind, to restore your soul. Just as nature’s slowing down, taking a step back, and allowing the cold to embrace her, you have the opportunity to pause, to reflect. To sit within the stillness, counting your breaths, surrendering, to the flow of life. The heart speaks in silent ways. Listen.  For me November has always been a month when I feel the need to pause. It’s like my entire soul needs a break. A break from anything draining her. Nevertheless, dark months like these I love the more peaceful hours; it’s usually when I come alive. The more stillness surrounding me, the more harmonious I become. And the more harmonious I become, the easier it is for new thoughts and ideas to enter. Below you’ll find some of my favorite ways to unwind, and to refill my body, mind & soul with new energy. How to replenish & unwind   Meditate It’s not the …

Pure intentions

”Choose authenticity and your life will begin to change.” Like a loyal friend you return, each and every year, dear autumn, dear fall. However, every time you bring something new, something unique. Oaks dressed in crimson, leaves in brightest red. And I’ve learned to trust that there’s nothing more to dread, about things once said.  You stir me, make me question every thought, every action. The way you always manage to keep it fresh and wild, darling fall child. You steady me, make me feel at peace, at home. Yet, eventually you’ll leave, making room for the cold, whilst the whitest snow turning into gold. Blissful laughters in the wind; You’re still alive. Act like it. Everything falling into place, even though everything seems to be falling to pieces, leaves melting to the ground, capitulating in the arms of winter. We endure the fire, the wind and the waves. Travelling within seasons, eventually finding our way. With every dawn we have the opportunity to change our todays, as well as our tomorrows. We start by …