Månad: januari 2021

Release control

”Allow your life to unfold naturally.” There’s a time for being ahead. A time for being at peace. There’s a time for being in motion. A time for being at rest. There’s a time for being vigorous. A time for being exhausted. To everything there’s a season. There’s a time for every purpose under the sun.  The words above got stuck with me as I listened to them the other day. No storm can last forever. Not even nature can create a storm that lasts forever. Hidden within every struggle is victory. Within every failure lies an opportunity. Hidden within yourself everything you’ll ever need. Every battle, and every difficulty molds you into a stronger human. As long as you know that you’re on the right path you’ll eventually end up where you want to go. There is and there was nothing like you, and there shall be nothing like you. Therefore, never seek to compare yourself with others. Nonetheless, let yourself be inspired by the people around you. Realize that you don’t have any real …

How to find your confidence

”Stay true to yourself.” When I talk about confidence, I don’t mean this fake kind of confidence that usually stems from seeking validation either through social media or some other extrinsic source. Rather, I see it as something that symbolizes a feeling of a deeply rooted trust within oneself, regardless of outside circumstances. Intrinsic confidence, that is what I’m talking about. This constant need of having to seek approval, in order to feel good about oneself is a never ending circus. It’s very common for us humans to seek other people’s blessings before we feel we are ready to do something. We might be doubting ourselves and our capabilities, and therefore seek to be validated by others. For more on this topic read my blog post Don’t wait for permission. Confidence is closely related to self-love. The more you approve of yourself, despite your flaws and imperfections, the more confident you’ll become. Confidence is not about being perfect – it’s not about having it all figured out, or needing to have answers to everything all …

How to develop an empowered mindset

”Be humble enough to know that you’re far from perfect, and confident enough to know you can do almost anything you set your mind to.” Having a strong mindset is crucial in order to navigate through life with confidence, clarity and a deep sense of trust within oneself. However, what characterises a strong, empowered mindset, and what can you do to develop one? Every step forward, and every action, however small, is one step closer to where you’d like to be. Take the blindfold off, stay curious and walk with an open heart. It’s very common that we choose to stay in our little comfort zone, simply because it gives us a sense of security. People may become comfortable with having a job they hate, being stuck in a dysfunctional relationship, having feelings of sadness and underestimating oneself. In order to change something in your life you’ve to change yourself – you’ve to change your way of thinking. And lastly, you’ve to change where you put your attention. Where attention goes energy flows Where does …

Creative writing

”At least we’re breathing the same air, you and I.” Whenever I want to gain some new inspiration, and allow new thoughts to enter I free write. It can be about absolutely anything. It can start from a word that I like, from a song, from a conversation I overheard at the coffee shop or from nature. It can grow from anything. Writing is exercise for the mind. As important it is to exercise our bodies it is equally important to exercise our beautiful minds. However, you don’t have to write in order to challenge your mind; you can for example learn a new language, study a new subject or meditate – simply do something that your mind isn’t used to. Create space for new ideas to enter, whatever ideas they might be – let them come. Don’t analyze them too much; they’re just thoughts. In the end they will simply be words written on a piece of paper. Step out from your own mind I often try to picture myself in another person’s mind …

How to be the best version of yourself

”Be the sort of person you would admire.” You are a different person to different people. Annoying to some. Kind to another. Talented to a few. Unknown to a lot. But who are you, to you? What does the best version of yourself look like? Being the best version of yourself needs to start with you, it needs to start from within. Other people will always have expectations from you, however, you know who you are, and what’s capable for you. When striving to be the best version of yourself, remember, that version will vary from day to day. Always ask yourself how do I feel today? What would I like to accomplish? What is my intention? Below you’ll find five mindsets on how to be the best version of yourself. Mindsets that I myself try, to the best of my abilities, to live by. 1. Take your power back To change your life, you have to change yourself. To change yourself, you have to change your mindset. It all begins, and ends in your …

Embrace uncertainty

”In silence you’ll find yourself.” There are times when we are fully engaged in the things happening in the outside world that we simply forget to connect with the vast world within. Rest assured; the more you listen to and trust your own unique voice things will start flowing more effortlessly, regardless of how chaotic life may seem. Whenever I find myself completely caught up in my thoughts, and worrying about what’s to come I read these following lines from Eckhart Tolle’s book ”A New Earth”, and somehow his words always succed in bringing me peace of mind. ”Some changes may look negative on the surface but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge. There may be a period of insecurity and uncertainty. What should I do? As the ego is no longer running your life, the psychological need for external security, which is illusory anyway, lessens. You are able to live with uncertainty, even enjoy it. When you become comfortable with uncertainty, infinite possibilities …

Slow living

”A quiet mind is able to hear intuition over fear.” The present moment – the only moment there is for us to be alive. Humans are very good at preparing to live, but not very good a living. Habitually dwelling in the past and dreaming of the future, while having difficulties concentrating the mind on the present moment. Wherever you are – know that you are home. Wherever you find yourself; whether you’re stuck in a rut, anxious, or simply lost in the fast spinning outside world – whatever the present moment contains – accept, then act. ”There’s nothing wrong in looking forward to the future, but remember to cerish today’s breath.” One thing that 2020 thought me, and that I wish to bring with me into 2021 is the idea of ”slow living”. In fact I believe all of us can benefit from slowing down the pace, even for a tiny bit. More often than not this fast paced society triggers feelings such as worry, anxiety and stress. We constantly feel the pressure to have more, …

Art for sale

”Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” – Pablo Picasso I would not call myself an artist. I would say that I’m more of a self-taught intuitive painter. What is a self-taught intuitive painter you might ask? I do not have an art degree; as a matter of fact I was not even good at arts while in school (according to my teacher). This being said, I do love colors – I appreciate messing around with paint, releasing emotions and feelings while being caught up in the process of creating. For me art is a form of self-expression. I believe that within each and every one of us lies an artist of some sort, waiting to be released. Humans were born to create, and the beauty within that is that there are limitless possibilities for us to embrace our craft. We just need to be still, and open to receiving guidance from the universe. Sometimes that guidance comes in the form of a quiet voice, whispering; ”You …