Månad: juli 2018

Dear August…

… I think you’ll make my soul dance. ”Believe in yourself, darling human. Believe. Flowers will grow.”   August is for humid days, foggy nights. Soul searching and loving kindness. It’s for vulnerability and softness. Finding that inner, burning fire. Moonlight and thunderstorm. Poetry filled with soul and passion, the wildest of dreams coming true. It has always been you, dear August. Always been you.  Be brave, darling dear. Be brave. Everything you wish for, believe, and it will come to you. Don’t you know you were created to create? Create magic. Create yourself. If it’s meant to be it will flow to you, effortlessly and oh so gently. Give yourself permission to relax and enjoy the magic of being. Breathe in confidence. Exhale doubt. Stay wild, darling moon child, stay wild. Life always has your back. This August is all about success, bravery and dusty, dreamy mornings. Things working out exactly as supposed to. It’s about true inner freedom. Not getting lost in thoughts, but objectively watching them pass by. ”Come to know the one who watches the …

Things I like at the moment

”If you listen, you’ll hear her breathe.”   It’s in the little things. Ordinary moments turning into excitement. Fulfilment. Do you know you already have everything you need? Life. You have life. This second. Filled with anticipation. Filled with the little things. Everything you need. This very moment.   ”while in stillness i hear your heart beat not am i even next to you yet i imagine every sound.”   Humid & light summer nights at sea ”Breathe her in.” The stars, the moon, a warm, gentle breeze. Everything we need. Everything we asked for. The stillness speaks louder than our words. If you listen you’ll hear her breathe. Take a glimpse at the ocean. Allow the sound of the waves to caress your soul. You have talents; share them. You have a voice; speak up. You have dreams; believe in them. You’re human; be brave. Take a glimpse at the ocean. A glimpse at the heart. If you’d followed your intuition, we would never had been apart.   Books, books, books ”Turn a page.” …

Whatever you are, be a good one

  ”Shine your light on this world.”   Once upon a time… … there was a little girl with a big heart and a curious mind. However, this shy and quiet little girl didn’t think much of herself. Always comparing herself with the bright and clever ones, the extroverts, people with confidence. Never did she dare to speak up, cause who would even listen to what she had to say. Though, she had a whole little world inside her brain; always dreaming, planning and visualizing. Creating stories, and no one to tell.  And the day came, when her heart got stolen, broken and totally cracked open. Dark months went by. However, gradually sunlight started pouring in, leaving her feeling lighter and brighter. Her heart might had been broken, but her soul finally had woken.  And while her brain was still busy dreaming and creating stories, she knew there was one goal more important than the others; to be herself. To crack open. Cause the world needed her open. The world needs you open. OWN WHO …

Dreamy mornings

”darling sun, you woke me up from my dreams. but then I realized, this one is way better.” Why a healthy morning routine? It reduces stress, helps you set your mood for the entire day, makes you more productive and ahead of the day. Furthermore it makes you feel calm, relaxed and centered. Wake up happy and start your day rejuvenated.   ”early morning sunrise. i opened up my eyes, and it got me thinking of you.”   Below you’ll find a couple of my favourite self-care routines for a dreamy morning; Let the sun in & meditate As soon as you wake up, open up your curtains to let the bright & beautiful morning sunlight in. Now is also the perfect time to take a few minutes and set an intention for the day ahead. Visualize your perfect day; What are you doing? What will you accomplish? making myself a cup of coffee… Stretch & get your body moving A sweaty morning workout releases feel-good endorphins. During the summer months I prefer working out in the mornings; …

How to change and replace limiting beliefs

”You don’t grow when things are easy. You grow when you face challenges.”   Limiting beliefs can be very sneaky, and so powerful that no matter how hard we try to control our thoughts and emotions they keep preventing us from attracting what we want in life. But what are the most common limiting beliefs stopping us from reaching our fullest potential? And what can we do in order to change and replace them for good?  A limiting belief is a belief that stops us from doing something or changing; almost like an invisible barrier that prevents us from what we truly want. It’s something that we say to ourselves and that blocks us from moving forward or achieving our goals. The nasty voice in your head that says; I can’t do it. Limiting beliefs are generally based on past experiences, our childhood, the way we were raised, our culture etcetera. They are deeply rooted within us, usually on a subconscious level, and therefore, we might not be fully aware of what they are, and the negative effect …

Dear July…

… it’s you, since no one else makes sense. ”One of a kind. Dear nature, you’re one of a kind.”   5 am. Finding stillness. Seeking magic. Being free as the ocean, beautiful as the wildest flower. Inhaling confidence, exhaling doubt. Breathing in the warm days, and short nights. Wide awake, we are, while watching the sunset gracefully transforming into sunrise. Dancing with the waves, moving with the breeze. I’ll be all there, wherever you’ll take me. Wherever you are, I’ll be all there, with power and an open heart.   July is all about feeding the soul with burning fire. Burning passion. Breathing in nature and embracing every day with curiosity, bravery and kindness. It’s about doing one’s best. Accepting oneself. Loving oneself. Being aware and learning from mistakes. It’s about knowing ones worth, and having the ability to inspire other human beings. Improving the quality of life. Challenging the body. Loving the body. Loving life. It’s about a life that’s flourishing and exciting. Beautiful and unexpected. It’s about life. Awaken your creativity, dear human. Awaken …