Månad: juni 2019

Inner happiness

”Use the hours with softness.” Don’t try to change the past, it’s impossible. The only way to change the future is by making the most of the present. Being a control freak by nature I’ve decided to work on being more patient with myself, in order to find a sense of calmness within; personal features that I strongly believe are highly beneficial to the body, mind & soul.  But how is it even possible to stay patient and calm in a world that’s constantly changing? To stay satisfied with what is, when the mind is obsessed with living in the past or worrying about the future? It’s like it does anything just to escape the now. ”I don’t want to be here, I need to get to there.” ”When I find that perfect partner, that perfect job, earn loads of money and become successful, then I’ll be happy.” ”I’m not satisfied with where I am, I need to have more, be more; then my life will be fulfilled.” The ego will never be fulfilled; no matter …

Dear June…

… you bring us peace. Love and laughter. ”Lost in a crowd of people. And your eyes were the ones to hit my soul.”   Dear June, your delightful, warm summer nights making our hearts pound faster. Soothing our restless souls. Wide open, we are, while watching the sunset gracefully transforming into sunrise. I look at you, and wonder out of all the months in the world, I’m happy to have found one that is so perfect for me. June is for hot, magical, never-ending evenings. The sun wide awake. But please, don’t go back to sleep, you’re one to keep. June is for finding the happy within. Smelling roses and counting stars. Eating strawberries and breathing in vitamin sea. June is for dancing with the waves, playing with nature, kissing the soft, morning rain. You’re impeccable, just the way you are.  This June is all about not forcing things. What flows, flows. What crashes, crashes. There’s only space for the things that are meant for us. It’s about beautiful words, beautiful beings. It’s happening right here. Right …