Månad: mars 2021

The courage to trust yourself

”Darling, there’s sunshine and stardust pouring out of your veins.” A key ingredient in this beautiful, yet unpredictable life is trusting oneself. As soon as you begin to trust yourself you’ll learn how to dance through life, cultivating courage, self-worth and compassion. Wherever you go, begin to plant all these wonderful things that you are. When you start to put complete trust in yourself you’ll automatically become more confident in your own skin. Go within, listen to your inner guidance. The answers are there. Trust yourself. What determines your worth? Think about it for a minute. Is it your looks? The amount of friends you have? Your income? Your job title? Where you were born? Your skin colour? Or do you depend on other people in order to make you feel valuable? Question your belief systems. Why do you have them, and where do they steam from? Be clear and completely honest with yourself when answering these questions. Writing your thoughts down might make it easier to understand yourself as you read your words out loud. …

You attract what you are

”I attract what I am, what I do, what I feel and what I think I deserve.” When it comes to attracting the life you want and desire there’s no shortcut – you’ll have to do the work. You’ll have to put in the actions needed for it to become a part of your future reality. But first things first. If you’re not happy with where and who you are in this moment it will become slightly more difficult to move forward. As you might notice this is kind of a paradox – being fully content with where one is right now, and still wanting to evolve. However, I do believe it’s completely natural for us humans to expand and constantly want to develop. It’s part of the human life – it’s how we survive. We need to be able to adapt to the changes happening in the world, and we need to be aware of when and how we’re holding ourselves back. Embrace the moment But how does one become content with the present …

How to improve your self-worth

”Know your worth. Don’t ask for it – state it.” In the end, it all comes down to self-worth. If you don’t believe that you’re worthy of neither success, love, abundance, compassion nor enjoying beautiful experiences it will be very difficult for you to attract any of these things into your life. ”Because of the continuous negative programing that we face in society, we focus on the bad and unpleasant things and project this negativity onto ourselves so often without even realizing it……… There is never a day that you are not worthy. Self-worth is not determined by anything; you don’t have to do anything to be worth it. You just are. (Mutiwasekwa, 2019) To start with – Never, ever apologise for being your most authentic self. When I was younger (and sometimes even today) certain kind of people often describe me as being sensitive. Like being sensitive would be something bad. Now I usually laugh if I get a comment like that. ”Yes, I’m a sensitive human being. And I embrace it, I embrace …

How to set and achieve goals

”Hi there, dear dreamer. Time to take some action.” If there would be a picture in the dictionary of a dreamer I’m pretty sure there would be a picture of me. I’m the dreamiest of all dreamers. I dream day and night. Night and day. And while in my dreams I find myself dreaming. Yes I believe you get the point. And as I very much enjoy being a dreamer, there’s this part of me that now would love to take some damn action. What can I do this month that will bring me one step closer to where I want to be? Setting daily, weekly or monthly intentions is a great way in order to achieve the desired goals you have in life. Many people are afraid of setting both short and long term goals. Goal setting is avoided because one is afraid of failure, and scared to let oneself down if the goals aren’t achieved. Things not working out the way you planned is not failure. You learn from everything you go through …

How to find your flow state

”Don’t go with the flow – be the flow.” At the moment Coursera offers a course called ”The Science of Well-Being” from Yale University. According to the course professor the course was created because she was worried about the levels of student depression, anxiety, and stress that she was seeing as a Professor and Head of College at Yale. ”When I first developed the class, I had no idea it would become the most popular class ever taught at Yale University. The Yale class was featured in both the national and international news media, and I was flooded with requests from people around the world to find a way to share the content of this Yale class more broadly.” – Professor Laurie Santos During the course professor Santos talks about flow state, and the health benefits that this state provides. For me personally flow state can be described a little bit like this; ”When you’re enjoying what you’re doing you easily reach that so called flow state. A state of being when time passes by without …

Find stillness within the chaos

”In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.” – Deepak Chopra In this moment you can find suffering or meaning, fear or curiosity. You can choose to see the world through the eyes of hate, or you can let love be the guiding force. Clarity might not always be found through the intellect, but experienced in stillness. Quiet down, and the more you’re able to hear. Some might fear the stillness, simply because they’re not used to it. What to do with it? Complete silence, except the sound of the heartbeat. Rising. Thoughts popping up. Do something, don’t just sit there. Wasting your time. Becoming aware of the breath. In. Out. In. Out. Feeling calmer. Lighter. Sensing the energy in the hands. Alive. I’m alive. The present moment – the only moment where there is freedom from the past, from the conditioned mind. You’re simply here, realising there is nowhere else to be. But here. ”To a mind that is still, a whole universe surrenders.” Lao Tzu To become aware is …