Månad: mars 2023

Dear April…

… you got my feelings playing butterflies. ”April darling, nature must be head over heels for you, the way she blossoms when you arrive.” Animals and humans awaken from the darkest of night. From the deep, deep slumber we all return to light. The bright golden sunrise, burning through our windows. Caressing our cheeks, awakening our hearts. Dreaming of doing everything in life, and nothing on rainy Sundays. Watching captivating sunsets, and counting countless numbers of stars. Happily having you, blooming in my arms. April is for getting lost in translation. Being curious and bold. Breathing in lust, breathing out fear. Breathe me in like air. It’s about a new earth, hope, and letting go. Soft raindrops against the window, purifying dark winter souls. Touch me without the hand, with the mind, undress me with the eye, baby darling be aware, those feelings will be playing butterflies. April is for being affectionate, playful and passionate. Confident, happy and alive. Stop looking for it on the outside, when it’s already resting within, patiently awaiting for you …


One of the highest forms of self-love is to be able to sit with oneself during painful experiences. Not running away, wishing the moment to be any different from what it is. To be able to hold that space, for oneself. To nurture and accept whoever that human is. It’s not about becoming. It’s about allowing. Accepting. Emerging and transforming into that which one has always been. Love. Joy. Life. It’s a beautiful thing to be able to carry oneself through deep healing. Still, an important aspect to bear in mind; although you might be and feel lonely you’re never alone. You will never be alone carrying (experiencing) the feeling of loneliness. It’s a feeling you share with millions of other humans. There’s always an opportunity to reach out to a friend, family member, mentor, or why not even a stranger if you feel the need to share your thoughts with someone. Journal. Create. Or simply choose to just be with the stillness. To watch the ocean emerge from within. Try not to distract yourself …


”Dear Venice, you tasted like home, the moment I laid my eyes on you.” Crowded streets, narrow streets. Empty streets early morning. Thunderstorm and heavy rain. Gondolas floating by. Happy faces. I laugh, you laugh. No time to sleep. A piece of art during all of your hours. Venice, August 2022 To seek out adventure, however, doesn’t always equal travelling abroad to a far away country, jumping out of a plane or swimming with sharks. What if you could make every day a little bit more adventurous just by challenging your mindset, and changing up some of those mundane routines of your? Below you’ll find a few mindsets/habits that hopefully can assist you in making your every day life a bit more exciting and joyful. Especially suitable during times when we don’t have the time to take weeks off to go and explore a new country, or the bank account is preventing us from enjoying extravagant ventures. Explore your neighbourhood. Usually it’s the places we are the most exposed to that we take for granted …

Finding flow

”And maybe it’s actually not so much about changing, but more so about becoming the person one always has been. Not finding oneself, but recognising and honouring that self.” – l.m.v I’ve noticed that the quieter my surroundings, hence the less stimuli I expose myself to, the more space I create for my inner voice to shine through. I easily distract myself with either work, social media, music, a podcast, a book or by watching YouTube. However, I do cherish the time in-between; doing yoga, taking a walk in nature, exercising or meditating. Nevertheless, even then it’s not completely quiet around me, since I always have music, a podcast or a book in my ears. After one week with less stimuli, and outside distractions, I’ve once again noticed the importance of silence in order to hear the silent whispers of the soul, and to reach that so called flow state. It’s not uncommon that we humans find the silence to be boring, and even frustrating – especially if one is not used to it. And if one is …

Let the silence speak to you

”In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.” – Deepak Chopra In this moment you can find suffering or meaning, fear or curiosity. You can choose to see the world through the eyes of hate, or you can let love be the guiding force. Clarity might not always be found through the intellect, but experienced in stillness. Quiet down, and the more you’re able to hear. Some might fear the stillness, simply because they’re not used to it. What to do with it? Complete silence, except the sound of the heartbeat. Rising. Thoughts popping up. Do something, don’t just sit there. Wasting your time. Becoming aware of the breath. In. Out. In. Out. Feeling calmer. Lighter. Sensing the energy in the hands. Alive. I’m alive. The present moment – the only moment where there is freedom from the past, from the conditioned mind. You’re simply here, realising there is nowhere else to be. But here. ”To a mind that is still, a whole universe surrenders.” – Lao Tzu To become aware …

Listen within

”Be passionately curious about your own life.” In a world where we are taught to be more concerned about what other people are doing, or thinking, than focusing on what we ourselves are doing, or thinking, it’s extremely common to compare, to judge, to envy. But what if, you began to turn your focus inward, instead of outward. What if you began to take up more space, talk a little louder, laugh a little harder. What if you finally realised that you are worthy of being here, without having to prove that worth. You are breathing. You are here. There’s nowhere else for you to be, but here. Don’t dim your light, just to make others feel more comfortable. The people that are meant to show up, and stay in your life, won’t find you if you are hiding. They won’t find you if your light is switched off. Guide each other home. … ”And, as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are …

There is strength in being soft

”Never underestimate the power of a woman’s intuition.” ”Don’t be so sensitive!” I stopped counting the times I’ve received a comment like that. Like being sensitive would be something to be ashamed of. Something that needs to be buried deep inside, for no one to see and experience. Now, I usually laugh if I get a comment like that. ”Yes, I’m a sensitive human being. And I embrace it, I embrace my vulnerability. And by the way you should try it; it might benefit you, helping you being more attuned with your feelings and emotions.” Being sensitive is not the same as being fragile, being weak. To be a highly sensitive human is to have an immense, gigantic inner world. It is to cry at a beautiful flower, simply because the flower is, beautiful. It is to cherish the quiet moments inbetween, simply cause within them lies all the answers. It is to be highly intuitive. Powerful. It enables one to tap into other peoples’ feelings, making it easier to put oneself in another person’s …