Månad: november 2018

Dear December…

… you set my soul on fire (and yet, you haven’t even arrived) ”With the moon and with the stars, how can we say we don’t have enough?”   The silent hour of night, and my heart suddenly arise. Caressing my awaken sight, while awaiting you, with blissful eyes. Watching snowflakes quietly at rest, while the moon shining its light upon us. 50 shades of snow, wherever we choose to go. Darling December, the way you transform the darkness. Even at 4 am. The world is still, sky black, mind intense. Emotions wide awake, heart half asleep, in a blissful lullaby sleep. I hope your dreams are sweet.  December is for love and laughter. Peace and joy. The bright-pink sky with heart-shaped clouds, peacefully passing by. It’s for warm-hearted gestures, compassion and loving-kindness. Snowflakes dancing outside our window, making every moment irresistible. Gifts wrapped up in affection, kindness and hope. It’s December, you can wish for anything. What will you wish for? This December is all about giving more of yourself. Give your time, your attention. Your …

Friday Feeling – Will Power

”I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” – Albert Einstein What is your biggest talent? Maybe you’re good with words? Good at inventing and building things? Or maybe you’re a skilled entrepreneur, or a great pastry chef? Whatever your talent might be, talent alone will never be enough. Hard work, persistence and will power will decide exactly how much of your talent that will come forth. Nature alone isn’t enough; you’ll have to nurture your gift. Talent can, however, be seen as a vital starting point, but without the dedication and will power to develop and master your skills talent alone will never be enough. While you can be extremely gifted in a particular skill, the likelihood that you succeed decreases greatly as soon as you stop nurturing and developing your talent. Someone else with less talent working day and night cultivating their skills will most likely succeed with far greater possibility. ”Self-regulation is the process of identifying a goal or a set of goals and, in pursuing these goals using both internal (e.g. …

Moment by moment

”Be aware;act, make a move, take a stand, take a chance. Embrace and work with what is.”   Every moment, peacefully passing by. What happens now, in this moment, guides us into the next. Pay attention to your surroundings, as well as your inner state, as it nourishes greater awareness, clarity and acceptance of what is. Don’t miss out on life, don’t miss what is of greatest value. Growth and transformation happen the moment you realize the richness and the depth of your potentialities. As every moment peacefully evolves, so are you.  How to become more mindful? How to become more acceptant of what is? There are several methods helping us to cultivate a more intimate relationship with the present moment, ways for us to achieve serenity. Peace of mind. Below you’ll find some of my favourites. Tranquility speaks ”Listen to the whispers of your soul.” 4.30 am. I forgot how peaceful it is to wake up at dawn. Complete darkness surrounding me, however, the light within keeping me safe. The early hours present a …