Månad: november 2023

Dear December…

… you set my soul on fire. ”With the moon and with the stars, how can we say we don’t have enough?” The silent hour of night, and my heart suddenly arise. Caressing my awaken sight, while awaiting life, with blissful eyes. Watching snowflakes quietly at rest, the moon, shining its light upon us. 50 shades of snow, wherever we choose to go. Darling December, the way you transform the darkness at 4 am. The world still, sky black, mind intense. Emotions wide awake, heart half asleep, in a blissful lullaby sleep. I hope your dreams are sweet.  December is for love and laughter. Peace and joy. The bright-pink sky with heart-shaped clouds, peacefully passing by. It’s for warm-hearted gestures, compassion and loving-kindness. Snowflakes dancing outside our window, making every moment irresistible. Gifts wrapped up in affection, kindness and hope. It’s December, you can wish for anything. What will you wish for? This December is all about giving more of yourself. Give your time, your attention. Your love and laughter. It’s about awareness, tenderness. Blissfulness. Music filled …

The present moment experience

”Honour the season your’re in.” The leaves dancing in the breath of wind, as the blue bird performing season’s final hymn. Until next year, dear humming creature, next year. The warm breeze caressing fragile skins. Breathing it all in, autumn laughing in the warm-hearted wind – I’ll carry your lyrics, wherever I go. Sing to me, little fella, sing to me.  This is the door to all that is. Celebrate the moment, and awaken to the magic unfolding.  The present moment; the only moment there is for us to be alive. Humans are very good at preparing to live, but not very good a living. Habitually dwelling in the past and dreaming of the future, while having difficulties concentrating the mind on the present moment. Wherever you are, you are home. Wherever you find yourself; whether you’re stuck in a rut, anxious, or simply lost in the fast spinning outside world – whatever the present moment contains – accept, then act. Always work with life, not against life. One way of controlling life is by becoming more …

The utmost freedom

”Maybe when humans stop running away from themselves, the world will become a kinder, more peaceful place.” At times freedom has little to do with the outside world, and circumstances. Man becomes free the moment he becomes free of thought. When he does not longer obsess over the constant chatter in his mind, but instead turns towards the heart. Freedom from compulsive thinking, desire, addiction, outside validation, constant approval. How does one become free of all that? One needs to stop. One needs to allow himself to slow down, to listen. When one is constantly bombarding himself with stimuli from outside sources it becomes nearly impossible to hear, or see anything. How is one able to listen to the whispers of the soul if one is continually caught up in the outside circus? How is it possible to become aware of the song of the heart when the sirens of the external environment is set on full volume? One does not typically feel comfortable sitting alone with one’s thoughts. To realise just how dysfunctional they …

How to make your days exciting

”There’s no time to be bored in a world as beautiful as this.” To seek out adventure doesn’t always equal travelling abroad to a far away country, jumping out of a plane or swimming with sharks. What if you could make every day a little bit more adventurous just by challenging your mindset, and changing up some of those mundane routines of yours? Below you’ll find a few mindsets and habits that hopefully can assist you in making your every day life a bit more exciting and joyful. Explore your neighbourhood. Usually it’s the places we are the most exposed to, that we take for granted or fail to appreciate. Have you, in the past few days, taken the time to literally stop and look around? Next time you take a walk in your neighbourhood – leave your phone at home and gaze at the buildings, the surroundings, the people walking by. You might discover a new coffee shop, an antique shop you haven’t yet visited, or simply enjoy the beautiful architecture. Take a course. …

The power of silence

People are so familiar with noise, distractions, sounds, interruptions and opinions that silence has become rare, and sometimes even frightening. Silence is a powerful tool because people don’t expect silence. People expect argument, disturbance, debate, and they seek every opportunity to be right, to have the final word. Make them uncomfortable, hence, force them to think before they speak. Let them become aware of the peacefulness that surrounds the moment. To master silence is to master your voice, it’s to master your surroundings and it’s to master yourself. Make space for silence, and you’ll make space for sensational thoughts to enter. Whenever I want to gain some new inspiration, and allow new thoughts to enter I free write. It can be about absolutely anything. It can start from a word that I like, from a song, from a conversation I overheard at the coffee shop or from nature. It can grow from anything. And at times it grows from silence. Writing is exercise for the mind. As important it is to exercise our bodies it …

Create your reality

”Ask yourself if what you do today is moving you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.” Your future is created by being present in the moment. Your future is not created then, somewhere in the unforeseen tomorrow, it’s created now. It’s highly determined by your daily actions, thoughts and habits. By being present with yourself you allow yourself to expand and transform into the highest version of yourself. You accept that where you are right now is exactly where you need to be, right now. It doesn’t have to take 3, 5 or 10 years for you to become the highest version of yourself. However, what it does take is for you to put in consistent effort. Dreams usually do not happen over night, but the decision to change can happen in a blink of an eye. Don’t postpone your future just because you’re being lazy or afraid in the moment. See the fear for what it is; fear of the unknown, fear of what’s to come, fear of not being good enough, …

How to focus on your own timeline

”You don’t need someone else’s permission to live your own life.” It’s rather common for us humans to seek other peoples’ approval before we feel we are ready to do something. We might be doubting ourselves, and our capabilities, and therefore seek to be validated by others. Instead of living our lives according to our own timelines, we focus on what other people are doing, and what they might think about us. Leaving us feeling that we’re somehow behind in life. With that being said, if you feel that this is how you operate most of the time then it’s time that you start to use your energy to focus on yourself. Live your life according to your own timeline, and focus on what you can do today. This, however, does not mean that you shouldn’t allow yourself to be inspired by others; by all means, let people inspire you, surround yourself with like-minded, positive people who brings out the best in you. It’s by showing up as your most authentic self, that you will …

Intentions for 2024

”But, what if, you’re actually evolving simply by being. By simply accepting and surrendering to the moment. Don’t resist the moment, whatever it contains. Sit with it, observe it, be aware of it – don’t label it. Be with it. Let go of what you know, and let yourself be open to the fresh, the new.” Dear 2023, thank you for all the beautiful moments, the stillness, challenges and experiences. Dear 2024, I’m curious – I sense you will be filled with bliss, growth and laughter. Freedom. What we focus on expand. So, focus on what you want out of life. What do you want to see more of in this world – Then, go about to create it. Nothing good will come out of it if you don’t take action. It all begins with you. A healthy, peaceful planet starts with a healthy peaceful mind. There’s no room for quick fixes, but for an honest and consistent commitment. Creating for the highest good of all. More health. More acceptance. More love. More forgiveness. More …

You attract what you are

”I attract what I am, what I do, what I feel and what I think I deserve.” When it comes to attracting the life you want and desire there’s no shortcut – you’ll have to do the work. You’ll have to put in the actions needed for it to become a part of your future reality. But first things first. If you’re not happy with where and who you are in this moment it will become slightly more difficult to move forward. As you might notice, this is kind of a paradox – being fully content with where one is right now, and still wanting to evolve. However, I do believe it’s completely natural for us humans to expand and constantly want to develop. It’s part of the human life – it’s how we survive. We need to be able to adapt to the changes happening in the world, and we need to be aware of when and how we’re holding ourselves back. Embrace the moment But how does one become content with the present …

How to grow through change

”As long as you’re breathing it’s never too late to change your story.” Change is inevitable, growth is optional. Whether or not it’s good change, bad change – change we create ourselves or change that we don’t have control over – both natural and spontaneous changes will happen throughout life. The aim is to not resist change, since that only creates sadness and struggle, rather, learn to flow with the current.  Letting things flow naturally is, however, easier said than done. It requires a great deal of patience and an eagerness to reclaim the power that might have been lost along the way. Last but not least, you should always remember not to be too hard on yourself. You’re only human after all. ”It’s not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin With this being said, below you’ll find a few life perspectives that hopefully can assist you when you find yourself stuck in the middle of a life changing situation. Have faith Trust the …