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Meat free January

I’ve decided to enjoy a meat free/vegetarian January. I haven’t been eating red meat and pork in a very long time, I think it’s probably 15 years since I had a piece of meat. However I’ve been eating plenty of chicken and fish. Whereas I’m sensitive to dairy it won’t be any bigger problem leaving that out. Goat cheese is still okey for me (in moderation), which I’m rather happy about since I love halloumi. Anyhow during this meat free month I will continue eating organic eggs, but less than before. I’m used to eating approximately three to four eggs per day. Hopefully in a couple of weeks I’m down to eating three to four eggs per week.



One reason why I decided to stay away from chicken and fish is that I want to eat more plant based and thereby focus more on veggies and greens. I didn’t really plan to have a meat free January, it just ”happened”. During the Christmas holidays I enjoyed plenty of vegetarian food and fish, and it felt natural in a way to continue. Maybe it was my body telling me something; ”eat more veggies Linda” or ”vary your food intake a bit honey”.

During these next weeks I will eat loads of vegetables, root vegetables, nuts, quinoa, buckwheat, gluten free oat, amaranth, lentils, sweet potato, berries, beans, chickpeas, coconut oil, avocado etcetera. This forces me to be more creative in the kitchen and trying new recipes. And last but not least not to plan my meals on the basis if I’m having fish or chicken. I’m eager to try out new food combinations, vegetables I haven’t eaten in a while and spicy veggie stews. Yum! I stumbled upon a wonderful food blog today – The Awesome Green. Filled with plenty of delicious recipes. And my one time favourite; Green Kitchen Stories. With these two eating more vegetarian will be a piece of raw food cake!


Hopefully I’ll feel more energized during this month, and I might even enjoy it so much I decide to extend my meat free month! The environment will for sure be grateful ❤

Have a lovely weekend!



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